Globe Scott Motors Pvt Ltd

Globe Scott Motors Pvt Ltd,
lean manufacturing practice,
lean manufacturing practices,
lean manufacturing best practice,
lean manufacturing principles to practice

Case Study: Achieving Remarkable 50%Productivity Improvements at Globe Scott Motors


In today's competitive manufacturing landscape, maximizing productivity is paramount for companies looking to thrive. This case study explores the success story of a motor manufacturer that achieved a remarkable 50% improvement in productivity through the implementation of lean manufacturing principles.

By adopting lean methodologies, this manufacturer revolutionized their operations, resulting in significant gains in efficiency, cost savings, and overall profitability.

Challenges Faced by the Client

  1. Low Productivity: Globe Scott Motors initially struggled with low productivity levels, which hindered there overall operational efficiency. Inefficient processes, outdated equipment, and inadequate production planning contributed to a decrease in output and overall productivity. This impacted there ability to meet customer demands and resulted in lost opportunities.
  2. Manpower Availability: Another challenge faced by the client was the availability of skilled manpower. Hiring and retaining qualified personnel with the necessary technical expertise proved to be a significant obstacle. The shortage of skilled workers in the industry created difficulties in maintaining optimal production levels and executing projects effectively.
  3. Poor Teamwork: The client faced issues related to poor teamwork and collaboration among different teams and departments. Lack of effective communication, coordination, and cooperation hindered the smooth flow of work and resulted in delays, errors, and inefficiencies. This impacted overall productivity and the ability to meet project deadlines.
  4. Inventory Management: The management of inventory posed a challenge for Globe Scott Motors. Poor inventory management practices, including inaccurate forecasting, stockouts, and overstocking, led to disruptions in the supply chain and increased costs. The lack of real-time visibility and control over inventory levels impacted production schedules and customer satisfaction.
  5. Process Flow and Workflow: Inefficient process flow and workflow were additional challenges faced by the client. The existing production processes were not optimized for maximum efficiency, resulting in bottlenecks, redundancies, and delays.


The challenges faced by Globe Scott Motors had a profound impact on their overall operations and profitability.

The low productivity levels resulted in decreased output, making it difficult for the company to meet customer demands and seize growth opportunities. This not only affected their market competitiveness but also led to potential loss of customers to competitors.

The shortage of skilled manpower further exacerbated the situation, as the company struggled to maintain optimal production levels and execute projects efficiently.

Poor teamwork and collaboration hindered the smooth flow of work, leading to delays, errors, and inefficiencies, ultimately affecting customer satisfaction and damaging the company's reputation.

Inadequate inventory management practices caused disruptions in the supply chain, resulting in increased costs, missed deadlines, and unsatisfied customers. T

The inefficient process flow and workflow created bottlenecks and delays, leading to longer lead times, reduced throughput, and decreased overall productivity. As a result, the company faced decreased profitability and limited growth potential

Implementation process of VSM

This case study explores the successful implementation of Value Stream Mapping (VSM) by Greendot Management Solutions at Globe Scott Motors. VSM is a powerful lean manufacturing tool that helps identify and eliminate waste, streamline processes, and improve overall operational efficiency. Through this case study, we will delve into the implementation process and the significant impact it had on Globe Scott Motors' operations.

  1. Assessing the Current State: Greendot Management Solutions initiated the VSM implementation by conducting a comprehensive assessment of Globe Scott Motors' current state. The team gathered
  2. value stream. This involved mapping the flow of materials, information, and activities from the initial order placement to the final product delivery. The team documented each step, identified process bottlenecks, and measured cycle times, lead times, and process variability.
  3. Creating the Current State Map: Using the data collected, Greendot Management Solutions created a visual representation of the current state value stream map. This map provided a holistic view of the existing processes, highlighting areas of waste, inefficiencies, and opportunities for improvement. The team collaborated with employees from different departments to ensure accuracy and completeness of the map.
  4. Analyzing and Identifying Opportunities: The next step involved analyzing the current state map to identify areas of improvement. Greendot Management Solutions facilitated brainstorming sessions and Kaizen events, involving employees from various levels of the organization. Together, they identified waste such as overproduction, excessive waiting times, unnecessary transportation, and inventory buildup. By pinpointing these opportunities, the team set the stage for future process optimization.
  5. Designing the Future State Map: With the identified opportunities, Greendot Management Solutions worked closely with Globe Scott Motors' team to design the future state value stream map. This map aimed to streamline processes, eliminate waste, and improve overall operational efficiency. The team incorporated Lean principles, such as Just-in-Time (JIT) production, Kanban systems, and standardized work procedures, into the future state design.
  6. Implementing Improvement Initiatives: Once the future state map was finalized, Greendot Management Solutions supported Globe Scott Motors in implementing improvement initiatives. This involved training employees on Lean principles, establishing visual management systems, and setting up performance measurement metrics. The team facilitated continuous improvement initiatives, encouraging employee involvement and collaboration.
  7. Monitoring and Sustaining the Changes: Greendot Management Solutions worked closely with Globe Scott Motors to monitor the implemented changes and measure their impact. Key performance indicators (KPIs) were established to track progress and ensure sustainability. Regular review meetings were held to address challenges, make necessary adjustments, and provide ongoing support.

Implementation process of 5s system

  1. Sort (Seiri): The first step was to eliminate unnecessary items and clutter from the work area. The team conducted a thorough assessment of the workspace and removed any items that were not required for daily operations. This helped create a clean and organized work environment, improving efficiency and reducing waste.
  2. Set in Order (Seiton): Once unnecessary items were removed, the team focused on arranging the remaining items in a systematic and efficient manner. Tools, equipment, and materials were assigned designated locations based on their frequency of use and importance. Proper labeling and storage systems were implemented to ensure easy accessibility and quick retrieval.
  3. Shine (Seiso): In this step, emphasis was placed on cleanliness and maintaining a tidy workplace. Regular cleaning routines were established, and employees were trained on the importance of cleanliness and hygiene. This helped create a safer and more pleasant work environment while preventing the accumulation of dirt, dust, and debris.
  4. Standardize (Seiketsu): To sustain the improvements made in the previous steps, standardization was crucial. Clear guidelines and procedures were established to ensure consistent implementation of the 5S process across all areas of the organization. Standard operating procedures (SOPs) were developed and communicated to employees, promoting uniformity and accountability.
  5. Sustain (Shitsuke): The final step focused on creating a culture of continuous improvement and maintaining the gains achieved through the 5S process. Regular audits and inspections were conducted to ensure adherence to the established standards.

Driving Success: Globe Scott Motors Shares Their Journey to Operational Excellence in a Compelling Video"

Result of lean manufacturing

This case study highlights the remarkable success story of Globe Scott Motors, a motor manufacturer, in significantly improving their productivity. Through the implementation of various strategies and initiatives, Globe Scott Motors achieved a 50% improvement in productivity, expanded their manufacturing capacity, improved supply chain efficiency, reduced failure rates, and increased profitability.

Productivity Improvement:

Globe Scott Motors experienced a remarkable 50% improvement in productivity, which had a significant impact on their overall operations. By streamlining processes, optimizing workflows, and implementing lean manufacturing principles, the company was able to increase their motor manufacturing capacity from 60 motors per day to an impressive 90 motors per day.

This increase in productivity allowed Globe Scott Motors to meet customer demands more effectively and improve their sales performance.

Improved Supply Chain Efficiency:

One of the key factors contributing to the success of Globe Scott Motors was the improvement in supply chain efficiency. By implementing effective inventory management practices and adopting just-in-time (JIT) production and pull systems, the company was able to optimize their inventory levels and ensure timely delivery of motors to their customers.

This not only enhanced customer satisfaction but also reduced lead times and minimized storage costs.

Significant Reduction in Failure Rates:

Through their focus on quality improvement initiatives, Globe Scott Motors achieved a significant reduction in failure rates. The failure rate decreased drastically from a previous level to just 1%.

This improvement in product quality not only increased customer confidence but also reduced the costs associated with rework, repairs, and customer returns. The company's commitment to delivering reliable and high-quality motors played a vital role in their success.

Increased Profitability:

The improvements in productivity, supply chain efficiency, and product quality had a direct impact on Globe Scott Motors' profitability. By increasing their manufacturing capacity, optimizing inventory management, and minimizing failure rates, the company was able to enhance their overall operational efficiency and reduce costs.

This, in turn, resulted in increased profitability and improved financial performance for the organization.

Team Improvement :

In addition to the quantitative benefits, Globe Scott Motors also witnessed positive changes in their team dynamics . The implementation of lean manufacturing principles and continuous improvement initiatives fostered a culture of teamwork, collaboration, and employee engagement. Furthermore, the improved inventory control ensured better visibility, reduced waste, and enhanced overall operational efficiency.

Future Outlook and Sustainability

A. Long-Term Sustainability of Lean Manufacturing Practices:

Globe Scott Motors recognizes the long-term sustainability and benefits of lean manufacturing practices. By implementing lean principles, the company has established a strong foundation for continuous improvement and operational excellence. Lean manufacturing promotes a culture of efficiency, waste reduction, and continuous learning, ensuring that Globe Scott Motors remains competitive and adaptable in a dynamic market environment.

B. Maintaining and Building upon Achieved Improvements:

To maintain and build upon the improvements achieved, Globe Scott Motors is committed to ongoing process refinement and employee engagement. The company plans to regularly review and assess there manufacturing processes, identifying opportunities for further optimization and efficiency gains. By encouraging employee participation and empowering them to suggest improvements, Globe Scott Motors aims to harness the collective knowledge and expertise within the organization.